Sunday, 24 October 2010

I'm beginning to get ground rush!

I've only got another 3 weeks at work - OMG, where has the time gone?
I did some driver familiarisation training last week and, once I'd got over the nerves of being in an unfamiliar vehicle and let loose on the road, I even started to enjoy myself. Father Christmas, if you are reading this ... I don't want a bike this year, I want a land rover please.
I've still not heard from the shipping company that is moving my unaccompanied baggage ... but the goodies inside the box will keep. I've packed some shortbread and some quality street and loads of books. If I don't make any friends when I first get there, I am sure to make friends when my box arrives!
I get bouts of nervous excitement, I'm just itching to go now. Every time I go to the shops, on the ruse of doing some Christmas shopping, I come home with something else that I just have to have! The last being a couple of books on birds and mammals and flora and fauna. Well, if I am going to be taking photos you will want to know what I've taken a photo of...
Looking forward to more jabs on 3rd November ....

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Nothing very exciting to report

Had blood taken last week in order to establish my blood group. Not something that I knew, and not recorded on my medical notes. Once again there was a needle involved and I had a student observing - so I did my best not to appear like a complete wimp!
I've also been swotting-up on my Highway Code. I have to take a driving test in order to be able to drive over there. The mere word 'test' has applied psychological pressure and I must confess to not having looked at a highway code since I passed my driving test all those years ago! Can you describe the difference between a pelican, a puffin and a toucan crossing?