Sunday, 28 November 2010

It feels like Christmas

Well, I have had my first christmas dinner and Father Christmas came to visit. My nephew Samuel got a globe to follow my journey, but I'm glad he doesn't come to my house often ... the mess he made with the glitter that fell from his coat! But I was thrilled with the new messenger bag he left for me.
and now that it has snowed and the weather has turned crispy-cold I am half pleased to be leaving for summer time in the South Atlantic. Hey, believe me, I am under no illusion that I am off to Antarctica!
I've not done much else except catch up with friends and eat like a lord, including an early Burn's Supper! I've only got days at home now and really need to look at all the clothes I need to pack. I've got a very generous baggage allowance, but that does include 9kg hand baggage and my laptop probably weighs most of that! so I need to be ruthless.
But all of that can wait, I've still got quite a bit of socialising to do!

Saturday, 6 November 2010

This time in four weeks...

I can't believe that in four weeks time I will be on my way!
I had some more jabs this week, three of them in a oner ... and my shoulder still feels tender! But I should be fighting fit now, especially if I get attacked by a penguin!
I bought a luggage scale so that I can stay within my baggage allowance - what a dilemma ... having to decide what clothes to take!
And I haven't even begun my Christmas shopping 
... suddenly there seems a lot to do