Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Gypsy Cove

This little jaunt took me out to Gypsy Cove and Ordnance Point. Gypsy Cove is where the Magellenic Penguins burrow in the cliffs. They are very different to the other two species I have seen and you can't get close to these little fellas, unless they are coming back to their burrows.. Gypsy Cove was heavily mined, though most of the mines have been cleared you are not allowed on the beach as the tides and the sand moving could have moved the mines. But the scenery was breathtaking. 
The pathway takes you up on to Ordnance Point and there is an old WWII Vickers Gun here, still in pretty good nick considering the elements! If only I had my GPS with me today ... there is a geocache hidden here somewhere... that gives me another excuse to visit.